This is an album cover of a lesser known heavy-metal/hard rock band from the 80s called Eyes. The album is titled full moon. in my opinion, they were smart to put the beautiful butts on the cover instead of focusing on big hair and their pretty faces. I like pretending that I’m a cop and I’ve just busted these four guys for weed…. let your fantasies go from there.
My old man Joe used to collect images of hot Bear dudes before the whole bear thing got started. There was no apps, internet sites, or even Bear Magazine. He found what he could and where he could. Often he would throw out an entire porn mag and save one or two photos. There are also hot bearded bros pulled from typical everyday newspapers and magazines. A lot of his collection is on this website already, especially the earlier posts, but I feel I need to keep up this sexy random tradition. Below are few silly finds that I think meet this standard.
Hidden inside a video game manual for the retro style game “Paprium” is a muscly dude in a jock, intensely gaming. Can you find the “Lug” worthy of a “Chug?”If you guessed the dude on the far left give yer crotch a stroke!This guy is not British, he’s married to the actress who played Samantha on Bewitched. Caught him on Buzzr in an episode of Password. Damn he’s nice and saucy in that hot n hairy unbuttoned 70s kind of way.
As a man of Polish decent I am never so proud of my heritage more than when I’m ogling images of Zbyszko Cyganiewicz. I’m not going to go into his life story here(We got Wikipedia for that.) Instead I’m just going to enjoy his round muscles, his thick soft skin that wrinkles at all the right places, and his hard belly slightly sagging nips. Too bad I couldn’t find a completely nude photo, or ass pic, of this strongman/professional wrestler. Only typical wrestling poses and portrait shots. I guess I can only imagine what he would look like, buck-naked, legs in the air.
I bought a used copy of Cyberpunk 2077 for my basic PS4. I didn’t get very far until it glitched on me (it locked me in the tutorials, if you must know.) Before that unfortunate and frustrating incident I did get to make my own model of the main character V. Despite the many color and style options for the hair, scars, etc. I made the most generic looking bear man I could. Unfortunately you can’t make him have a beer belly or a juicy booty, BUT as you can see you can customize his penis. Really you only get three options: small, medium and large (I chose large.) No cut, or uncut, or how many veins you’d like- sigh! Of course, none of this affects gameplay, it’s all cosmetic. I just think it’s interesting I designed the most basic bear archetype for an avatar ever, when given a chance to live in a futuristic virtual world. Uhg! I’m such a basic bitch!
Actually things are not so great. You know why. I’m not gonna rant. I’m just going to take a “wait and see” attitude and wait and see. Until then, my old man hormones rage. I’m not going into details about that either, and let the images above explain my desire. It’s a bit random. Been watching a bit of wrestling lately. It’s a beautiful activity. Maybe I wanna do some bitch slapping, or get bitch slapped. I don’t know any more. I’m just turned on. Life is good.
Here is a few edited pics from a 1970’s book called Van People. There are many fascinating images of the post hippie culture of vans in this book, and a lot of them feature sexy dudes in cut off jean shorts that beautifully ride up the crotch. I wasn’t old enough to experience this fad first hand but these pics helps fill in the gaps my fantasies need filling.
Van dudes mooning the camera in front of a van.Van People: The Great American Rainbow Boogie – copyright 1977
Hey bro! want to come over and see my new 1up 3/4 scale replica Pac-Man arcade cabinet I got at Walmart. Don’t worry! we don’t have to wear masks, or a socially distance because we’re bro’s, and besides I know where your face has been heh-heh! We’ll just play some Pac-Man, drink some beers, smoke some weed, and talk about our beards. Yours is coming in good, might I say. I hope you don’t mind if I stand a little close. I just want to see all the action on the screen, and if you get the high score I’ll have to give you a bro hug, or maybe a bro kiss when you’re not looking. JK bro! Gotcha! Seriously come over tonight, let’s have some fun!
The Lost Vikings are the titular protagonists of The Lost Vikings franchise, bearing the names of Baleog the Fierce, Erik the Swift, and Olaf the Stout. This group of burly mothers make me wanna grab my game controller and start button mashing. In the game they each have to work together with their individual set of abilities to advance the game. I like to think how that game mechanic might translate in the bedroom. Their gruff determination and hairy attitude would definitely flip me but based on the illustration above I hope they’re growers, because they are certainly not show-ers.
Old man Marty is never late for the party. This hot chubby bear bottom would love nothing more than to host Baleog the Fierce, Erik the Swift, and Olaf the Stout, from The Lost Vikings, for a little 16-Bit romp in his tight but malleable butthole.
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